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REVIVE Hope and Healing Ministries, Inc.
"We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way." St. Francis of Assisi
Anne Costa
Apr 10, 2023
Have you been blessed today?
Lately, I have been making it a point to stop every time I see someone standing on a street corner with a sign asking for money. This...
Anne Costa
Sep 9, 2022
Words of Wisdom
'Take no notice of that feeling you get of wanting to leave off in the middle of your prayer, but praise the Lord for the desire you have...
Anne Costa
Apr 19, 2022
A New View
Today’s Responsorial Psalm caught my attention: The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. As I read it, a still small voice inside...
Anne Costa
Apr 6, 2022
We're in the HOME STRETCH!
Here we are in the homestretch of Lent, pushing toward Palm Sunday and the Easter Triduum. How are you doing? I know that in my case,...
Anne Costa
Mar 20, 2022
As believers in and followers of Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility to offer hope to others through some tangible demonstration of...
Anne Costa
May 7, 2021
Two Hearts as One
FIRST FRIDAY Reflection: The Sacred Heart and Our Lady With May as the traditional month when we honor Mary our Queen and Mother, Blessed...
Anne Costa
Apr 20, 2020
I don't know about you but this whole quarantine thing is getting on my nerves! It seems like I am living in the land of blurred...
Anne Costa
Aug 24, 2019
Are you a disciple?
When the rich young man approached Jesus, he was pretty sure that he already knew the answer to the question he was about to ask. “What...
Anne Costa
Jul 4, 2018
True day at a time.
Independence Day is always a day of reflection for me because so much of my life has been about getting free. Free from my fears, free...
Anne Costa
Jun 8, 2018
I ♥ Today!
Today is a very special day. It is the Feast of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and what that means is that we set aside a...
Anne Costa
Nov 5, 2017
On this vocation Sunday...
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI reminds us that our primary vocation is holiness... and God would not give us such a vocation if He wasn't...
Anne Costa
Oct 15, 2017
A Remedy for our Times...
Many of us are very concerned about the times we are living in. It seems that all that we put our faith in is crumbling around us....
Anne Costa
Jan 29, 2017
Let not your Heart be Troubled
When the world around us seems to be in chaos, it reminds us of how small we truly are and how little control we actually have - and for...
Anne Costa
Apr 10, 2016
At this moment....
What is the cry of your heart? If God could tell you one thing (besides that He loves you eternally) that would ease your mind and...
Anne Costa
Jan 1, 2016
MERCY ABOUNDS... or does it?
Mercy is not really an easy concept for us to understand, probably because it is not something we can ever really know until we...
Anne Costa
May 1, 2013
The Motherliness of Mary: An Open Invitation
All women have before them and within them a specific mission. It is an intrinsic vocation that is woven into our biology and written on...
Anne Costa
May 1, 2013
Anne's Personal Testimony
To create your first video blog post, click here and select 'Add & Edit Posts' > All Posts > This is the title of your first video post....
Anne Costa
May 1, 2013
"I remind you, to stir into flamethe gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of...
Anne Costa
Jan 13, 2013
Convenience and Catholicism
Our Catholic religion was never meant to be convenient. So, if you are finding yourself in the midst of a crowd that can fit their...
Anne Costa
Nov 25, 2012
There is no other way to say this except to come right out and say it: BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!... In our world, truth is being twisted at...
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