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Two Hearts as One

FIRST FRIDAY Reflection:

The Sacred Heart and Our Lady

With May as the traditional month when we honor Mary our Queen and Mother, Blessed among all women and full of grace, we cannot help but contemplate the mystery of the Two Pierced Hearts. Just as Simeon prophesied, the sword that pierced Christ’s Sacred Heart and opened the flood of heavenly graces to the whole world, would also pierce her Immaculate Heart.

The mystical union of their Hearts is best explained by Jesus Himself:

In the 14th century St. Bridget of Sweden had a great devotion to the Heart of Mary. Jesus revealed to her that the Two Hearts of His Mother and His Own were a oneness of love:

"The Heart of My Mother was like Mine, We worked together for the salvation of mankind; I by the sufferings of My Body, she by the Sorrows of her Heart."


Prayer: Dear Jesus and Mary allow our hearts to be pierced like yours with love and mercy for the whole world and for everyone we encounter this day. May your grace pour forth and your Hearts be known as the source of every blessing on earth. Amen.

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