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The title of this blog entry comes from Isaiah 43:18-, 21.

God says:

"Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago, consider not; See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth... do you not perceive it? ... For I put water in the desert and rivers in the wasteland for my chosen people to drink. The people whom I formed for myself, that they might announce my praise."

Sometimes it is hard to trust that Jesus can and is doing something NEW within us... but when we cooperate with this grace...He is. In this passage, the Lord is trying to get the attention of His people who walk around with barren hearts, dry bones and a stunted vision. WE are like that sometimes... head down, dragging our spirits like a heavy backpack... the Lord can and even DESIRES to refresh and renew you. He has a plan for this... ASK HIM WHAT IT IS!

Aren't you thirsty for His living water? I am. And I am eager to announce the Lord's praise for everything He does for me and for those who love Him... Let me know what He is doing for you... What are the RIVERS in your DESERT that God has created JUST FOR YOU???

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